Monday, July 08, 2024

The tourism sector:

  1. To bring together all tourism stakeholders in Lake zone regions to jointly promote this zone.
  2. To increase the promotion of tourism in Lake Victoria coastline in order to boost tourism industry in the constituency
  3. To attract investment of hotels in Lake Victoria coastline and surrounding hills in the constituency as well as to promote water sports
  4. To identify heritages and cultural activities in the constituency which could be used as tourist attractions
  5. To educate the public so that they can participate in tourism industry

Bee keeping sector:

  1. To bring beekeeping professionals from TAWIRI/SIDO/ Department of Forestry and Beekeeping
  2. To establish beekeeping groups in Badugu, Nyaluahande, Ngasamo, Kilolei, Mwamanyili, Kabita, Shigala, Igalukilo, Malili, Mkula, and Kalemela
  3. Training and processing bee products
  4. To identify and attract markets for bee products (e.g. Mohamed Enterprises for wax).

Environment sector:

  1. To encourage the planting of tree as a cash product for families and institutions (in cooperation with Tanzania Tree Seed Agency - TTSA, SUA, Olmotonyi college and NGOs such as Acord, Lake Victoria Environment Management Programme – LVEMP)
  2. To establish tree nurseries projects for selling to institutions and individuals in the wards and villages.
  3. To mobilize and empower those youth who have graduated from vocational training centers to establish projects for adding value to tree products.

Fishing sector:

  1. To provide fishing education to the people in all areas around Lake Victoria
  2. To establish a network of fishermen
  3. To establish savings and credit associations for fishermen (SACCOS)
  4. To develop important ports in the constituency – Kiloleli, Mwamanyili, Kabita (Nyamikoma) and Kalemela (Lamadi, Kalemela)
  5. To mobilize and promote fish farming (as advised by experts such as Dr. Yohana Budeba from TAFIRI)
  6. To establish fish processing industries to add value on fish products. These may include drying and packaging fishes for exporting in countries like Congo, Burundi and Kenya.

 BUDECO mkutano wa pili 20140810 200342

Agricultural sector in general:

  1. To conduct soil evaluation in the constituency in order to identify crops that may be suitable to different areas. (Refer Agricultural Reseach Institute (ARI) – Ukiriguru, Dr.Kileo)
  2. To improve veterinary seeds (cattle, goats and sheep) by establishing a center for mobilization (artificial insemination) at Nyamisho, and center for best male seeds at Igalukiro
  3. To teach and raise awareness to farmers on good animal feeding and to establish animal farms at training centers in the constituency.
  4. To establish, improve and protect pastures including "ngitiri" and to utilize village land use plans
  5. To encourage poultry farming to women and youth, and to establish market networks by using experience from women from Mtukula in Kagera region. (Refer TASAF/Mwamanga/Dr. Mwamuhehe – VIC Iringa). They started with 1,000 poultry and within 9 months they had 97 million shillings in the bank and 120 million shillings in one year time.
  6. To establish international goat market at Mwasamba and livestock exhibitions for best practices.
  7. To strengthen farmer associations
  8. To encourage bulls and goats fattening for international markets such as Comoro, United Arab Emirates, Congo, Burundi, Kenya and Sudan.
  9. To establish new crops such as sun flower, lentils, cowpea, peas
  10. To encourage the use of new farming technology (agromechanization) by increasing use of tractors, power tillers and plough (Refer Binti Nanai – Mrs. Kaali, Wizara ya kilimo, ARI-Uyole, SUA-Animal science Department, Prof.Abud).
  11. To revive agromechanization centers at Malili/Igalukilo (in collaboration with Roman Catholic – Shinyanga Diocese).
  12. To encourage the usage of agricultural inputs like fertilizers and improved seeds, by providing trainings to farmers and establish agricultural inputs shops in every ward.
  13. To establish agricultural training centers at Nyaluhande and Malili.
  14. To initiate study visits to farmers and leaders to agricultural colleges and institutions, agricultural exhibitions etc.
  15. To form a network of extension officers and veterinary officers in the constituency for the purpose of enhancing an exchange of ideas and to increase motivation for work.
  16. To create a system of sustainable training to extension officers and veterinary officers to impart new farming methods in the constituency (Refer FAO, UNDP, ASDP).
  17. To establish and encourage irrigation farming in river Duma basin and Lake Victoria basins (by using experience from Arumeru Projects, Lushoto, Ministry of agriculture, Ukiliguru college of agriculture and the institute of agricultural research and lake zone irrigation center- Nyakato.
  18. To establish task forces for building irrigation infrastructures like dams (charco dams) at all river basins in the constituency. Two wards will be used as pilot area first.
  19. To establish ways of adding value to produce before selling them for example weighing and packing them.
  20. To establish marketing unit at the office of the member of the parliament in order, in collaboration with district development director, to find markets and good price for products. This project which is geared to improve agriculture and livestock keeping will be founded on efforts to eradicate famine and greening Busega in line with the national policy of "Kilimo kwanza"


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